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Friday, December 2, 2011
Mamonde Total Solution Mineral Moisture BB Cream Review

Mamonde Total Solution Mineral Moisture BB Cream

Hey guys! Yeah, yeah..I don't update often and I don't have any readers but I don't really care because I'm going to post a review on one of my most favourite bb creams of all time! Yes! It's just that good! :D

Okay, so I've tried a lot of brands...(specifically Skin79, Baviphat, Skinfood, etc..) and I saw this on my usual seller's ebay site, bhappywithme. She's my favourite seller on ebay because, even though she doesn't reply that fast, at least she gives me everything plus a lot of freebies! <3 Seriously! The last time I bought from her (a month ago, I think) she gave me soo many freebies that I'm still using them up until now. :3

Right, right, going off topic. I can rave about her later ^_^

So Mamonde, right? 

Most people who aren't familiar with Korean cosmetics would go 'wtf is a mamonde?' Well, to let you know, it's one of those expensive brands in Korea and it mostly caters to the working woman..which I sorta am. 'Cos I'm a student and I am definitely working my ass off in school.

I promise I'll edit this post and add pictures and swatches later but seriously! I want to raveeee about it! :D

Anyway, so. 
edit: here is how it looks like--

That's how cute the bottle looks when it's a mini-size <3

That's how it looks like as a blob on my hand...sorta light right? :D it's hard to find something to match my goldeny-pale skin XD sigh italian side...

That's how it looks like not blended o_O

That's how it looks blended! Yeah, the background change because i kept putting shadows in the pictures. Had to redo it in another part of my room ^.^v But as you can see, it blended perfectly into my skin colour!

360 php for a 30ml tube <3

This is perfect for you dry skinned, or normal skinned gals. ^_^ Not so much for me, the oily-to-combo skin because in just three-four hours, depending on where I am, I get dewy FAST.

Not oily.

But positively dewy. There's a difference.

The only place that gets oily is my nose lol. And I find it pretty funny that my nose becomes a greasetop when my cheeks are actually the ones that produce more oil xD When I wear this bb cream, my cheeks become dewy and I get compliments on how glowy I look.

Fortunately, I don't get pimples that often and when I do have pimples, people tell me they aren't noticeable hehe ^_^v What they don't know is that I use this to cover it up!

Yeah, so. Going on with the description:

It does what it says: moisturize. It gives a perfectly dewy glow and doesn't slide off your face! It lasted me the entire day and I have really really really oily skin! 

And I don't know about you, but the fact that it's a MINERAL MOISTURE BB CREAM caught my attention.

It also has an SPF of 20/PA+, which isn't that much compared to other bb creams, but for working girls, you only need so much because you stay indoors and shy away from the sunlight, right?

Then last, but not least, it'really matches my skin colour! <3 It is hard to find bb creams that match my golden-somewhat pale skin? Idk how to explain it to you XD but I just look like I'm pale with a bit of a goldeny tan? Sigh, that's how my sister describes my complexion, anywho t.t

- Dewy look
- Brightens complexion
- Evens out skin tone
- Very natural look

- I bought it on ebay. So it was like +shipping. I hate shipping!
- If it is a really hot day, you end up looking like a frying pan so make sure to wear a primer!
- Oil control is so/so
- Coverage is medium to light (does not cover the veins on my face!) however you can build it up to about 2x before it cakes (personal experience lol).

Last opinion:
I can see why this is a high-end and expensive brand in Korea. It is perfect for the working girl and makes you look so natural and beautiful too! Why not try it? 

Rating: 9/10!

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